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Manitoba writers to receive international mentorship with new film accelerator

Screenwriters in Manitoba are getting the opportunity to take their skills international, according to On Screen Manitoba.
The organization says it has colloborated with Manitoba Film and Music to launch a Script Angel Feature Film Accelerator.
The mentorship program aims to connect emerging writers in the province with international industry mentors.
Five recipients will participate in a mentorship program valued at $10,000 to support their feature film script development.
“This program is a catalyst to further develop and support local Manitoba screenwriters, bringing more unique voices and stories to the forefront of our dynamic film and television industry,” said Lynne Skromeda, CEO of Manitoba Film & Music.
“We are happy to be partnering with On Screen Manitoba to bring this important opportunity to our creative professionals here in the province as it’s something that has a genuine impact on their careers.”
The application deadline is Jan. 26 and the program will start in March.
