Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

‘Financial freedom’: Winnipeg resident with big plans following $1 million lotto draw

Carla Baranski is excited to have a little financial freedom after the Winnipeg resident found out she was the winner of the million-dollar Lotto 6/49 draw.
Armed with the ticket she bought at the Sun Food Mart at Donald Street, Baranski discovered she won when she heard that someone from the city was the winner of the Dec. 13 draw. She and her mom checked to make sure it was her numbers that made her a millionaire.
“I was immediately skeptical. I had always hoped this would happen for me, but I didn’t believe it that it was happening,” said Baranski. “I kept thinking it must be an error. It took me a while to really believe it was true.”
She said she has big plans with the prize, which includes helping out her family and taking care of her own finances as well.
